The Whispering Teapot is a special event hosted by Mugen Roshi & Dao Shi. This event is a group Zoom Session to connect, drink tea, and have all your questions answered. It always lasts at least one hour. As you know, Taoist time works a little differently so the event may run longer!
These online events are a wonderful introduction for beginners on the path. You can meet Mugen Roshi & Dao Shi, learn the history of the KUNLUN System, and ask questions about your spiritual path. It is also the perfect opportunity for long-time Cultivators to check in, refine your practice, and renew your inspiration on the path.
We will spend the hour sharing answers to your questions, providing recommendations, insights, and more. And, of course, Mugen Roshi likes to joke and tell stories… you never know what you will hear!
So gather your favorite tea, some tea snacks and prepare to have a good time.
We are excited to be able to connect with you in this way and we are so fortunate to be in each other’s lives!
Location: Online (Zoom)
Date: Saturday, April 13th
Time: 11am PST
Late Registration: $150, April 8th through April 11th
Pre-requisites: This event is open to the public, must complete AOK Waiver before attending the event.